The four major categories of computers are personal computers mini,mainframe and super computers these categories based on the different in the size, speed, processing, capabilities and price of computers


A personal computer is a computer that can perform all of its input processing,output,and storage activities by itself . it is also called stand-alone -computer it contains at least one input device, one output device,one storage device memory and processor








THE most common type of personal computer is the desktop computer.A desktop is designed so the system unit, input devices, output devices, and any other devices fit entirely on or under a desk or table


A workstation is a specialized, single user computer that typically has more power and features then a standard desktop PC. these machine are popular among scientists,engineers and animators who need a system with greater than average speed and the power to perform sophisticated tasks.


Portable is a personal computer type that can shift easily from one place other place some times this type of computer is also called mobile,portable computer has following types


Notebook computers as their name implies approximate the 15 inches notebook and easily fit inside a briefcase these computers speed is fast and distance b/w motherboard and hard disk is min


THE tablet is the newest development in portable full-featured computer tablet offers all the functionality of a notebook computer, but they are lighter and can accept input from a special pen called a stylus or a digitalpen

iii. Handheld

handheld are computing devices small enough to fit in your hand. A popular type of handheld computer is the personal digital assistance (pda)


Some cellular phones double as miniature PCS. Because these phones offer advanced featured not typically found in cellular phones

2. Minicomputers

A minicomputer is more powerful and larger then a workstation computer. Minicomputer often can support up to 4000 connected users at the same time . it is also knows as a mire range computer. Users often access a minicomputer through terminal

terminal is a device with a monitor and keyboard

such terminals sometimes called dumb terminals b/c they have no processing power cannot act as stand alone computers and must be connected to the minicomputer to operate





3.Mainframe computers

A mainframe Computer is a large expensive very powerful that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously . like minicomputer, mainframe computers also can act as a server ina network environment. it is also known as Host computer


IBM 4300


NEC ACOS mainframe

4.Super computer

A super computer is the fastest most powerful computer and the most expensive . capable of processing more than 64 billion instructions in a single second

super computer are used for applications requiring complex sophisticated mathematical calculation

For example a super would be used for weather forecasting nuclear energy etc.

Active Directory security is determined by security groups, access control, delegation of comptia certification training control, and Group Policy. This lesson briefly reviews security groups, access control, and delegation of control, which were covered in previous chapters. Then, this lesson introduces auditing, security logging, and security configuration and analysis and discusses the security settings in Group Policy.

Security groups simplify administration by allowing you to assign permissions and rights to a group of users rather than having to assign permissions to each individual user account. You implement security groups by using the Active Directory Users And Computers console. Security groups are discussed in Chapter 8, "Administering Groups." Access control is the granting or denial of permissions to security principals. Access control is implemented by using the object specific access control lists (ACL) in the Security tab of the Properties dialog box of each object. The list contains the names of user groups that have access to the object. Access control is discussed in Chapter 9, "Administering Active Directory Objects." You delegate administrative control of domains and containers in order to provide other administrators, groups, or users with the ability to manage functions according to their needs. Delegation of control is implemented by using the Delegation Of Control Wizard to automate and simplify the process of setting administrative permissions for a domain, OU, or container. Delegation of control is discussed in 220-701 exam"Implementing an OU Structure," and Chapter 9, "Administering Active Directory Objects."

How do you recommend resolving the issue that many users utilize different parts of the Office XP suite of applications? Transforms are files that end with an extension of .mst. These files are deployed along with the .msi file to alter the configuration. This is an option to address this complication. It could be quite an administrative burden to develop .mst files for each of the different configurations utilized, and then deploying multiple GPOs with each of the different configurations. It is important to understand transforms and when their use is appropriate. In this case, however, there was no indication that having extra software simply available would cause trouble. Consider assigning Office XP to users at the domain level. This will make all file extension associations on the client systems and advertise the applications by making all of the Start menu shortcuts available. Essentially, all of the applications are set to install on first use. If some users never launch Excel, for example, then the program files to run Excel will simply not be brought down for that user. A complicated set of transforms in this A+ certification cost case would seem to be a waste of administrative effort.

Duck hunt